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Pop Pods Hybrid 2% - 5ct
1. | Banana Ice | PVP-BAI-0220-FDR | |
2. | Blackcurrant | PVP-BKC-0220-FDR | |
3. | Blueberry Kiwi Ice | PVP-BKI-0220-FDR | |
4. | Blazing Peach (Sour Peach) | PVP-BLP-0220-FDR | |
5. | Blueberry Mango | PVP-BMN-0220-FDR | |
6. | Blue Spirit | PVP-BSI-0220-FDR | |
7. | Rush (Bull Blast) | PVP-BUB-0220-FDR | |
8. | Chilled Blue Razz | PVP-CBR-0220-FDR | |
9. | Cherry Berry | PVP-CHB-0220-FDR | |
10. | Cherry Apple | PVP-CHE-0220-FDR | |
11. | Cherry Frost | PVP-CHF-0220-FDR | |
12. | Chill | PVP-CHL-0220-FDR | |
13. | Chew | PVP-CHW-0220-FDR | |
14. | Chilled B-Blend (Chilled Luscious Bubblegum) | PVP-CLB-0220-FDR | |
15. | Cool Menthol | PVP-CMN-0220-FDR | |
16. | Chilled Strawberry Pom | PVP-CSP-0220-FDR | |
17. | Canadian Tobacco | PVP-CTB-0220-FDR | |
18. | Flavorless | PVP-FLV-0220-FDR | |
19. | Fruit Kick | PVP-FRK-0220-FDR | |
20. | Frost Mint | PVP-FRM-0220-FDR | |
21. | GB Ice | PVP-GBI-0220-FDR | |
22. | Grape Pomegranate Ice | PVP-GPI-0220-FDR | |
23. | Sour Smash (Garden Patch Smash) | PVP-GPS-0220-FDR | |
24. | Grape Rush Ice | PVP-GRI-0220-FDR | |
25. | Grape Rush | PVP-GRU-0220-FDR | |
26. | Guava Ice | PVP-GUI-0220-FDR | |
27. | Iced berry Blast | PVP-IBB-0220-FDR | |
28. | Iced Blackberry | PVP-IBK-0220-FDR | |
29. | Iced Pods | PVP-ICP-0220-FDR | |
30. | Iced Guava Lychee | PVP-IGL-0220-FDR | |
31. | Iced Melon Berries | PVP-IMB-0220-FDR | |
32. | Kiwi Dragon Berry | PVP-KDB-0220-FDR | |
33. | Luscious Watermelon | PVP-LWA-0220-FDR | |
34. | Mango Lychee Ice | PVP-MLI-0220-FDR | |
35. | Mighty Mint | PVP-MMT-0220-FDR | |
36. | Mango Peach | PVP-MPH-0220-FDR | |
37. | Mixed Berries | PVP-MXB-0220-FDR | |
38. | Mystic Twirl (Mystery Swirl) | PVP-MYS-0220-FDR | |
39. | Nectar of Gods | PVP-NOG-0220-FDR | |
40. | Orange Peach Pineapple | PVP-OPP-0220-FDR | |
41. | Berry Bliss (Peach Berry CDY) | PVP-PBD-0220-FDR | |
42. | Peach Berry | PVP-PBR-0220-FDR | |
43. | Pineapple Kiwi Ice | PVP-PKI-0220-FDR | |
44. | Pink Lemon (Pink Lemonade) | PVP-PKL-0220-FDR | |
45. | PEPPERMINT | PVP-PMT-0220-FDR | |
46. | Great White (Pina) | PVP-PNA-0220-FDR | |
47. | Pineapple GrapeFruit | PVP-PNG-0220-FDR | |
48. | Prism Ice (Sktl Ice) | PVP-PRI-0220-FDR | |
49. | Passionfruit Strawberry | PVP-PST-0220-FDR | |
50. | Peachy Apple | PVP-PYA-0220-FDR | |
51. | Raspberry Grape Blackcurrant | PVP-RGB-0220-FDR | |
52. | Rootstock (Root) | PVP-ROO-0220-FDR | |
53. | Raspberry Strawberry Mint | PVP-RSM-0220-FDR | |
54. | Raspberry Tangerine | PVP-RTE-0220-FDR | |
55. | Sour Mouth | PVP-SMT-0220-FDR | |
56. | Spearmint | PVP-SPM-0220-FDR | |
57. | Strawberry Guava | PVP-STG-0220-FDR | |
58. | Strawberry Kiwi | PVP-STK-0220-FDR | |
59. | Strawberry Watermelon | PVP-STW-0220-FDR | |
60. | Tobacco | PVP-TBC-0220-FDR | |
61. | Tropical Blue Razz | PVP-TBR-0220-FDR | |
62. | Tropical Blast | PVP-TBT-0220-FDR | |
63. | Fruity Harmony (Tutti Frutti) | PVP-TFI-0220-FDR | |
64. | Watermelon Apple | PVP-WAA-0220-FDR | |
65. | Watermelon Ice | PVP-WAI-0220-FDR | |
66. | WBS | PVP-WBS-0220-FDR | |
67. | Arctic Breeze (Winterfresh) | PVP-WFR-0220-FDR | |
68. | White Peach Mango | PVP-WPM-0220-FDR | |
69. | Berry Squish (Wiggly Strawberries) | PVP-WST-0220-FDR |