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[JWP0124] 7" Hemper Lucky Cat XL Bong
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[WP0223] 6" Hemper Tea Cup Bong

5" Hemper Lucky Money Cat Bong

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Hemper Is a smoker-centric company, with tested and highest quality products for elite smoking experience

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Step into a world of prosperity with "5" Hemper Lucky Money Cat Bong". This unique piece is shaped like the iconic beckoning cat, complete with charming cat face decals, a scarf, and a bell, radiating good fortune in every aspect. The cat's raised arm cleverly serves as the bowl intake, featuring a stem diffuser that combines functionality with charm. With its clear body, adorable features, and iconic design, this Lucky Money Cat-themed bong brings a touch of good fortune to every smoking session.

Key Features:

  • Height: 5 inches
  • Diameter: 2.5 inches
  • Percolator: Diffused downstem for smooth smoke diffusion
  • Thickness: 5mm for durability
Product Image
5" Hemper Lucky Money Cat Bong