Embark on a unique smoking adventure with the 16" Marley Quirky Chaos Bong, a whimsical and functional masterpiece. This bong is designed to captivate with its quirky chaos theme, adding a playful touch to your smoking experience. Standing tall at 16 inches, it offers a generous size for enhanced performance and visual impact.
Key Features:
- Quirky chaos theme for a fun and playful smoking atmosphere.
- Stands at 16 inches tall, providing a commanding presence and ample space for smoke diffusion.
- Crafted from durable materials for long-lasting enjoyment.
- Compatible with a wide range of smoking accessories for added versatility.
- Easy to clean and maintain, ensuring a hassle-free smoking experience.
Blue or
Golden or
Green or
Purple or
Red or
16" 7mm Marley Wrapped Skull Beaker