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Designer BKW Backpacks

14mm 90 Degree Terp Slurper Fully Welded Quartz Banger

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Thickness Redefined.

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  • The joint and bucket are fully-worked (instead of welded) which makes the banger significantly more durable. 
  • The top cup is beveled so the top marble rest flawlessly on top as the carb cap.  The bottom dish is the surface that gets heated up and dabbed on.
  • The three slits on the bottom are what allows airflow into the lower chamber of the slurper and the pill-shaped terp bead does a perfect job of retaining heat & vaporizing your concentrates.
  • We chose the best types of marbles and terp pearls to use with this sluper for premium flow and efficiency. 
  • 14mm 90 degree male quartz banger
  • High Quality Material. 
  • Avaialble colors- Green, Pink, Purple, Red, Blue, and Orange 


Designs: DESIGN 1 or DESIGN 2
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14mm 90 Degree Terp Slurper Fully Welded Quartz Banger